Our Team



Saumil is a experienced iOS developer who worked on Grass. Amongst a myriad of other things such as volunteering at tech events, Saumil enjoys occasionally photographing events and places 



Daivik similarly found his interest in technology through iOS and Swift. Through his journey of developing Journify he learned about the transformative changes that tech can bring to people's lives.
Other then tech Daivik dabbles in content creation with his YouTube channel



Zenneth found his interest in technology when he learned about the benefits that lua brought. The transformative changes that being able to get those around you to experience what you've made is a driving factor for Zenneth when he wishes to empower more with tech

Ethan Dalgado


Ethan found his interest in tech since he was younger, when he was interested in Lego. Recently, he found that he was able to modernise his Lego interests through creating Lego Robots. Thanks to his newly found interests, he learned about new languages such as Python and Lua once block-based coding became an easy item for him.